
Through various activities and events during the Church year we support the following Charities:

Action for children logoAction for Children - for over 148 years Action for Children has been working in partnership with the Methodist Church. Together we make a real and lasting difference to the lives of thousands of children across the UK.

All we can logoAll We Can - an international development and emergency relief organisation focussing on those in greatest need. It is inspired by Christian principles with its roots in the British Methodist Church.

Christian Aid Logo
Christian Aid
- a partnership of people, Churches and local organisations committed to ending poverty worldwide.

One Mission Matters LogoMethodist Church One Mission - we have supported the World Mission Fund and the Mission in Britain Fund and both are an essential part of One Mission.

Methodist HomesMethodist Homes for the Aged (MHA) - an award winning Charity providing care, accommodation and support for over `8,000 older people throughout the UK.

Toilet Twinning Logo

Toilet Twinning - a water and sanitation Charity initiative helping thousands of deprived people throughout the world get clean water and sanitation.

JMA LogoJunior Mission for All (JMA) - created so that children would not be excluded from supporting and learning about the mission of the Church.

Foodbank LogoDoncaster Foodbank (Trussell Trust) - part of a nationwide network of foodbanks supported by The Trussell Trust, working to combat poverty and hunger across the UK.

OCC LogoSamaritans Purse UK (Christmas Shoebox Appeal) - an international relief and development organisation that works through local Churches to proclaim and demonstrate the love of God amongst communities in need across the world.